Tough Questions That Push You to Self Reflect

Tanvi Dubey
4 min readJul 28, 2021

Hard questions, harder answers: let’s play!

I love books.

I find no greater joy than buying, reading, and collecting them.

I enjoy seeing them around the house- by the bed stand, on the bookshelf, or just strewn across my living room.

I only wish I could read them at the pace at which I buy them!

Books are my opium, my addiction. I enjoy them almost as much as I enjoy meeting people. And just like each new person I meet, each book has something unique to offer me. A string of words woven together to touch, tease or teach me something valuable.

My latest read, 50 Toughest Questions of Life, authored by Deepak Ramola, was recommended by a dear friend on her social media. The title instantly caught my eye, and when I spotted it in my favourite bookshop, I added it to my pile without a second thought. Weeks passed by, and even though the book had been staring down at me from the bookshelf, I still had not gotten around to reading. Finally, I dedicated last weekend to it, and the timing couldn’t have been better. After the challenging few weeks we had lived through and survived following the brutal second wave of Covid-19 in India, a book about life seemed pertinent pick.

Questions, questions, and questions!!!

As the title suggests, Deepak Ramola addresses 50 questions about life we should all have answers for to lead a meaningful life. While some questions may seem to be textbook questions, he packs in a few surprises too. The author gives us hints and triggers through his own experiences as he addresses these questions. To get the maximum out of this reading experience, I suggest you have a pen and paper handy to pen your thoughts as you navigate these questions along with the author.

My three favourite questions:

Don’t worry if you don’t have answers to all the questions. I didn’t have answers either! But it got me thinking. I avoided pondering over some, and I skimmed the surface of my memories without wading in too deep in response to a few others. These questions were interesting, and I know I will return to this book soon enough when I’m ready.

Out of all the questions, the ones I liked the most were:

1)How would you introduce yourself with love?

I had never really thought about this. Well…what does it mean to introduce oneself with love? Typically when we are asked about ourselves, people think about organisations, designations, job roles, professional achievements, family history… but what really defines us are our interests, hobbies, and passions. Holistically introducing myself appeals to me, and the next time around, when I meet people, I will be equally interested in their introductions.

2)What is your favourite word?

As someone who loves reading and sharing quotes, I sat and mulled over my favourite words. It’s a work in progress, but here is one word that is definitely on my list- gratitude.

Gratitude to me is more than a word. It is a way of life for me. Every time I feel cornered, lost or challenged by loss, despair, or pain, I look at all I am grateful for. Taking stock of what I am grateful for helps me put in perspective what I am dealing with.

3)What is your life lesson?

Our life experiences define our perspectives. As life has progressed, my experiences have shaped the lessons I hold dear. I am sure it is something each one of us would have thought about in our own respective pensive moments.

I am sure you will have your favourites out of the 50 questions that Deepak Ramola lists out. If you are looking for an opportunity to go on a journey that you have never been on, this book is an exciting choice. I don’t claim it will be transformational, but it sure will set you on a path that will nudge you, push you or even challenge you to discover additional aspects of your life and yourself. Once you look within yourself, the possibilities of learning things about yourself are limitless.

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Tanvi Dubey

Stephanian. Chiratae Ventures. Ex-YourStoryCo. Foodie. Storyteller. Pet Parent. I believe - Be the change you want to see.